Embarking on a Sustainable Journey: My Personal Commitment to a Greener Tomorrow

Being a mom, professional, fiancée, and just all-around millennial woman, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. This includes overlooking the impact our choices have on the environment. But, now and then, we have a rare moment of solitude that allows us to pause, reflect, and realize the need for change. This is the story of my journey towards sustainability—a commitment to making mindful choices that contribute to a greener, more sustainable future.

woman standing in front of pacific ocean in manhattan beach

I began my journey towards sustainability on September 16, 2023. It began with the purchase of a stainless steel utensil set. Every day for lunch, I’d take a plastic fork and knife from the cabinet at work to eat my salad. After a few weeks, I started to feel so wasteful — using that fork and knife for about 20 minutes and then throwing it away… only to grab another one the next day.

I was probably more aware of my wastefulness because of a Forbes article I read over the Summer about climate change’s effect on electric cars. It blew my mind that electric cars are meant to help the environment (via significantly less emissions), but because of the already affected environment’s extreme weather conditions, they can sometimes struggle to function.

Then, I remembered another article from the New York Times, citing research from the University of Oxford, that reported that plant-based diets account for 75% less in greenhouse gas emissions. I devoured (pun intended lol) that entire study, comparing the effects of what we consume on the earth and its climate. 

And so my journey began with the simple realization: the planet is facing unprecedented challenges, from climate change to resource depletion, and if I continue living without acknowledging the part I play, then I can’t be upset when the world has nothing left to give to my daughter.

With much of the data testifying to a problem, I wanted to know and do more. I delved into the world of sustainability. I began educating myself on eco-friendly practices, the importance of reducing carbon footprint, and the significance of supporting ethical and sustainable businesses. But with so much information, I got overwhelmed.

So I did the next logical thing — I followed sustainability influencers on Instagram 😂. Three to be exact — @sustainably_vegan, @jhanneu, and @gittemary. Through reels, infographics, behind-the-scenes footage, and daily stories, they give tips, recipes, information, and more. And in fun and digestible ways.

Gittemarie even wrote a sustainability how-to guide! So, of course, I bought it. The first chapter is about plastic and its effect on our environment. The key takeaway, is “every piece of plastic that has ever been produced in human history still exists in some shape or form.” The fix: minimize our use of single-use plastic. Enter my portable utensils and straw.

I’m sure embarking on a sustainability journey comes with its share of challenges — from finding eco-friendly alternatives to overcoming the convenience of disposable products. But I’m excited to see where this journey takes me and the good it will do our dear Mother Earth.

As I continue my sustainability journey, I invite you to join me in making conscious choices that benefit the planet. The path to a greener tomorrow begins with each of us committing, and together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change. Let this be an invitation to embark on your own sustainability journey. And if you’re already on one, give me some of your favorite tips!


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